Raising Standards, Keeping Costs Low

It’s often the little things that have the greatest impact.  One small change can have far wider implications for every process and function it influences.  Something you might ignore or put on the back-burner due to its apparent insignificance compared to larger concerns.

Could this be applied to how your pallets are wrapped as well?  Do you think about the type of film used?  How much you get through in an average working day?  How secure are your loads when they leave site?  Surprisingly, costs can easily mount up in a number of areas that very soon eat into annual budgets:

  • Strength: do you experience costly damages using weaker films?

  • Ease of Use: are your films cumbersome and prone to tearing?

  • Thickness: how quickly do you go through rolls each week?

  • Waste: do you throw away a large amount of damaged rolls?

  • Process: does your product need to “stand” before wrapping?

If you have heavily invested your time and money into high quality manufacturing, storage and inspection processes, then it must be extremely frustrating to see all that effort laid to waste through poor presentation and product returns.

Knowing all this, do you look at the real cost of your pallet wrap?  While you might be attracted to what seems to be a great price for an economy film, does this also translate into a low cost to wrap every one of your pallets.

Making one simple change to your supply of film could have huge benefits to your end of line operations and beyond.  Adopting a product better suited to your needs, such as a lighter, thinner but stronger film, will yield a wide range of positive results.


  • Clear films with a greater stretch capability, up to 6x that that of a normal film.  This means less plastic consumption per pallet… so you can wrap more product for every roll used.

  • Better retention performance without damaging the product inside.  Reduces the probability of crushed packaging and returned goods.

  • Sustainable options with up to 50% true post-consumer waste material and ability to fully recycle after use.  No more concerns over compromising your own green policies.

  • Perforated films eliminate moisture and gas build up, preventing contamination and further damage to the load.


  • Efficient films mean each roll goes further, resulting in a reduction of overall spend on wrapping materials.

  • Fully intact deliveries lower the probability of returns, meaning a greater return on investment for each pallet shipped.

  • Good presentation increases customer satisfaction, making it more likely that they will place future orders with you.

  • Cost savings can be diverted into alternative developments within your business, improving performance as a whole.


  • Lighter rolls are easier and safer to handle, making life better for operations staff.  This reduces injury risk, boosts morale and increases productivity.

  • A high quality film reduces or eliminates tearing altogether during the wrapping process.  No more unwanted resets and downtime because of inferior films.

  • Perforated films can be used before or during product cooling and off-gassing, as well as allowing you to properly chill or freeze product after the wrapping process.  No more need for separate standing phases.

  • Successful deliveries mean no need to investigate returns and organise credit notes.  Staff are free to concentrate on other crucial aspects of their role.

This isn’t just theory either.  A recent introduction of Excelerate Ltd’s machine films into a major brewery saw their daily wrapping costs reduced from £90.00 down to £11.00.  Each pallet used to be double wrapped for optimum retention but adopting the stronger, lighter film meant that the operators now only need to make a single wrap instead, saving a considerable amount of material over the working week.

Sometimes, the solution to a host of problems is actually very simple and easy to solve.  If you are also facing any of the issues mentioned here, then why not put us to the test and see how we can make real improvements to the way you wrap.


Unlocking Efficiency: Exploring the Benefits of Perforated Pallet Wrap


Are your stretch films truly "sustainable?"​